Would you change your password if you knew your information is on the Dark Web?

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Excel Office Services got their start selling copiers. For years we bragged about how our copiers were secure. Then one day it dawned on us, our clients do not necessarily care that their copier is secure, what they care about, is that their data is secure.

Once we realized hardware was only a small fraction of the threat vectors that leave your data vulnerable, we quickly evolved our business into a services business. We now offer end user security training, Dark Web Monitoring, DNS protection, local and cloud backup, Business Continuity 24/7, help desk, and a suite of productivity apps that enable secure printing and secure document workflow.

Most importantly, we study technology trends and develop custom technology road maps for each of our clients that deliver specific measurable business outcomes that include increased: security, sustainability, employee productivity.

Email us at info@excelofficeservices.com for your free Dark Web scan report.