Must-see, should-use technology for 2018

The fabulous, the far-out and the flat-out fundamental tech essentials of the new year may read like props from a futuristic novel. But these gadgets and concepts – everything from longer-than-ever-lasting batteries to direct to object printing – are poised to rock your everyday world. If you’re thinking you can afford not to take advantage of today’s advanced technology you may want to think twice (before Artificial Intelligence does it for you).

What’s new and why your life is about to get easier

New technological devices can often burst on the scene only to evaporate in a garage sale box and a vow to never fall for the latest “toy” again. Fortunately, much of the emerging technologies shaping our lives now are sophisticated tools with elaborate functions and capabilities:

Photo of a finger pointing on a mobile phone (Intelligent Virtual Assistants)

Virtual Assistants are not new but their advanced skills are; improved IVAs (Intelligent Virtual Assistants) can make payments, find supplies and make reservations. Home automation is gaining in efficiency, aided by smartphones and tablets networking with in-house devices like appliances, lighting, entertainment systems and external systems like irrigation and security.

Xerox® ConnectKey® technology-enabled printers are now accessible via voice commands, bringing digital printing to a whole new level in the office environment.

Photo of man sitting on tall building balcony at night working on laptop

A 20-hour laptop? Laptop users can soon expect a significant jump in usable hours. The same powerful processors that bring your smartphone to life will likely also make their way into laptops, with the same instant power-on function and a battery life of up to 25 hours.

Photo of a drone delivering a package

Drone deliveries and self-driving cars. As drones continue to improve functionality, large-scale vendors look to flying delivery services. But privacy concerns persist, (as they do with smart speakers) so don’t count on airborne office supplies packages arriving just yet. The same can be said for self-driving car technology for your morning commute as regulators continue to secure safety practices.

Photo of a Xerox® Direct to Object Inkjet Printer creating three-dimensional objects

3D Printing and Direct to Object Printing offer creative solutions in a number of ways, including commercial use in healthcare and manufacturing. 3D printers are continuing to evolve, becoming more affordable and portable and printers like the Xerox® Direct to Object Inkjet Printer offer on-demand, personalized printing on three-dimensional objects and a variety of substrates.

How Artificial intelligence can empower your workforce.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been impacting business for some time in new platforms, apps and devices, and the trend will only increase. AI, or the use of machines to mimic cognitive human intelligence has even seen the advent of devices like chatbots that can negotiate and sophisticated algorithms that can pass medical exams, solve the quantum state of numerous particles simultaneously, and even bake cookies.

AI can enable you to highly customize content for your customers based on automated lifestyle and persona data. And while initiating AI strategies can be pricey the upfront investment appears to be worthwhile, especially when it’s anticipated that AI use will grow by 53% over the next two years.1

Keeping up or showing the way?

Technology is also the future of how we collaborate and get our message out. Mobile video ads are expected jump 49% in the new year2 and Explainer videos – short, uncomplicated segments that explain your product or service – are set to grab viewer’s attention.

Use of chat apps has actually grown beyond the use of social media for most companies, and your customers will no doubt be expecting it as part of their shopping experiences (85% of customer service will be via chat apps by 2020).3