The Bewildering World of Business Printers: Why Outsourcing to Excel Office Services is the Key to Efficiency


Printers. They sit innocuously in the corner of the office, but they’re often the source of so much frustration and hidden expense in the business world. From the perplexing array of functions to the ever-mysterious dwindling of toner, the complexities of managing printers can be a surprising drain on resources. This is where Excel Office Services steps in, offering “managed print” services that streamline efficiency and cut costs.

The Hidden Costs of Printer Functions

A printer, at first glance, seems like a straightforward machine designed to do one thing: print. However, as businesses grow and their needs diversify, the demand for multifunction printers (MFPs) rises. These MFPs can scan, fax, copy, and even email documents directly. Each additional feature, while beneficial, adds layers of complexity and cost. Toner, maintenance, and repairs for such advanced machines don’t come cheap. A cartridge that runs out too quickly or a malfunction during a critical print job can set back operations and finances significantly.


The Price of Misunderstanding: Educating Employees on Printer Use

The cost of printers doesn’t end with hardware; it extends to the human element. Properly educating employees on how to use printers efficiently is vital. Misuse or overuse of printers can lead to unnecessary expenses and wear on the machine. For instance, printing color documents when grayscale would suffice, or using high-quality print settings for internal memos, can quickly deplete toner supplies. Moreover, a lack of understanding of how to rectify simple issues leads to downtime and the involvement of IT support for problems that often have simple fixes.


Choosing the Right Printer for Business Volume

Every business has unique needs, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to printers. The volume of printing, the types of documents produced, and the speed at which they’re needed vary greatly from one company to another. Selecting a printer that aligns with these needs is critical. A small office might get by with a modest desktop printer, while a large corporation could require a fleet of high-speed, high-capacity MFPs. The wrong choice can lead to bottlenecks, excessive maintenance costs, or an over-investment in underutilized equipment.


The Excel Office Services Advantage

So, why outsource printer management to Excel Office Services? The answer is threefold: cost, efficiency, and expertise. Excel Office Services can provide a comprehensive assessment of your printing needs, ensuring you have the right equipment without overpaying for unnecessary features. Our team can manage supply levels, so you’re never caught off guard by a missing toner cartridge right when an important report is due.


We take the onus off your staff by handling printer-related training, support, and maintenance. This means your employees can focus on their core responsibilities without the distraction of printer-related issues. Furthermore, with Excel Office Services, you have access to expertise in optimizing printer usage, keeping the machines running smoothly and efficiently.


Lastly, we understand the importance of aligning printer selection with business volume. Our “managed print” service analyzes your company’s print volume and patterns to recommend the most cost-effective and efficient printing solutions tailored to your specific business needs.


In conclusion, the world of business printers is fraught with hidden challenges and expenses. Excel Office Services offers a managed solution that can cut through the confusion, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. With our help, your business can navigate the labyrinth of printer management with ease and confidence, allowing you to focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Lets discuss managing your printer

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